EQUALS-EU Incubator Program: Code of Conduct
Carefully read below our code of conduct and contact us for questions.
Why do we have a code of conduct?
The EQUALS-EU Incubator program is a part of a horizon 2020 funded project. The work aims to build capacity in gender-inclusive innovation in Europe and partner countries worldwide, which means that we'll be a melting pot of different people coming together from around the globe with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We want to guarantee that everyone who meets up at our incubator program activities experiences a safe space.
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and organizers/hosts of this incubator program pledge to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
The code of conduct ensures everyone's safety and promotes sustainable development and ethical practices. This is why we want you to follow it.
Our standards
Examples of behavior that contribute to creating a positive environment:
● Using welcoming and inclusive language.
● Respecting different viewpoints and experiences.
● Accepting constructive criticism.
● Showing empathy and respect towards others.
Scope: This code of conduct applies to both project spaces and in public places when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing the project include: using an official project e-mail address or posting via an official social media account.
This can be further clarified by project organizers.
Care for people
Respect each other
It is vital that everyone in the incubator program feels safe and welcome. Therefore we ask you to respect the following guidelines:
● Use the correct pronouns: Respect people's preferred pronouns and use them correctly. Please ensure that you add your preferred pronouns in parentheses in the name section in each zoom meeting. If we have meetups, use name tags and add your preferred pronouns in a similar matter.
● Everyone has a right to be heard: No matter your experience levels, previous knowledge, background, or skillset, everyone has the right to state their opinion. During group discussions, ensure that everyone gets a chance to speak up, actively listen to other people's views, and consider them. Try to avoid interruptions, and use the “raise hand” function if meeting online.
● Be engaged: Our mentors and workshop facilitators are here to help you advance your product og service. The program will be more productive if you are engaged and prepared for each new activity.
Be honest
This program is rigorous. We understand that you may not always be able to meet deadlines. Be honest with yourself about your capacity and tell us or your team if there is anything you need help or support with. We are not here to blame anyone or make you feel bad, and it makes it easier to work together if we know what to expect.
If you change your mind regarding participating in the program, let us know as early as possible, as there are others on the waiting lists that would appreciate your spot. It is no shame in quitting if you are not committed to doing the work.
It is important for us that everyone participating in the incubator program either as a mentor, participant, or similar conduct themselves in an honest and ethical manner that is respectful of the rights and safety of themselves and others. It is especially important that you:
● Respect the Intellectual property rights of each team
○ Intellectual property rights are the rights given to persons over the creations of their minds. They usually give the creator an exclusive right over the use of his/her/their creation for a certain period of time (read more).
● Do not reproduce power points, documents, and material provided in the EQUALS-EU Incubator Program portal, as they are under copyright.
● If you want to share the materials with others that are outside of the program you will have to get permission to do so from the copyright owner.
● If you are unsure about what is free to share and what is not, ask first.
We want you to develop your product or service with the 17 goals of sustainable development in mind. We don’t expect you to follow them all, but at least know of them and think of how you can ensure that what you develop is based on one of the 17 goals.
You can read everything about the sustainable development goals here.
What we want you to recognize
You have a voice
If you see anything that you think is not in line with the code of conduct, or if you experience a situation that you find uncomfortable, contact us at GUDC-EU, either Anne or Regont. We will work with you to find a solution or support you with the incident.
Alternatively, you can speak up if you see behavior or incidents that should not happen.
We also expect you to dare to ask questions! We move faster forward when we dare to turn each stone and ask questions about what we are unsure about. So use your voice to ask questions! You are here to learn, and if you knew everything about innovation and entrepreneurship, you wouldn't need this program.
You are valuable
We all have bad days where we sometimes cannot deliver on our promises or feel that we are not good enough. It is easy to compare your progress with others, and it is essential to remember that no matter how well or badly your startup performs, this is not representative of who you are or your competencies. If you are developing a web service, and the other team members are better at programming than you, it doesn't mean that you are not a valuable team member. Everyone has different skillsets, and if your skillset is vastly different from your teammate's skills, your team has an advantage further down the line. And your time to shine will come. This section is also important for our team of mentors. Your insights and experiences are greatly appreciated, and we do not expect you to have the answers to all the questions asked.
Dare to be ambitious
Some in this group might have a lot of experience with innovation and entrepreneurship, while others are new to the topics and tasks. We want you to take inspiration from this Pippi Longstocking* quote: "I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that". Use this mindset when working on unfamiliar topics or when you feel insecure. Trust that you and your teammates can figure this out with the support of the program and the partners. Make the best out of any situation and learn along the way. Dare to put in the work, be curious, and look for ways to solve the challenges thrown in your direction. If you do not know the answer, ask the user group you intend to develop for, the mentors, or other participants in the program – maybe they can help you with a different viewpoint and direction.
* Pippi Longstocking is a children's book character created by the Swedish author Astrid Lindgren.
and most importantly…
Celebrate success!
Everyone here wants to create a different world and a better future for women and gender minorities within innovation and entrepreneurship. If you, your team, or anybody else in the program succeeds, celebrate the success! Some friendly competition is never wrong, but we all want the best for each other. A supportive mindset will get us moving faster up the ladder than having a competing attitude with envy and jealousy.
This Code will be enforced by our incubator manager. Instances of harassment, abusive, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team at anne@inclusivecreation.com or regont@inclusivecreation.com. The complaints will be investigated and reviewed and shall result in a response that is necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. We are obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of the incident.